Our next meeting is Monday, July 1st, 6:30 p.m. at the Broadway Ballroom, 115 30th Ave E, Alexandria.
We will discuss the Primary election, which is August 13th, the Douglas County Fair, which is August 14-17, the various campaigns and how we can help, and our new website.
You can find our new website at: http://rpdcmn.org/. RPDCMN (Republican Party of Douglas County MN). It is still under construction, but we will eventually post our meeting notices there as well as the agenda for the next meeting. Within it, there will be many links to take you to the MnGOP website, the CD7 website, the MnGOP Platform, the RPM Constitution, and voting information, just to name a few. It will also be a venue for our elected leaders to post information. The website committee has written a mission statement and a vision statement, which can be viewed on our website. Even though they are “live”, we need to approve them (or amend) them at our next meeting. Please take a look at them in preparation for our next meeting.
Royce White was endorsed to be our US Senate candidate at the state convention. You can visit his campaign website: https://roycewhite.us/, however, this race is on the Primary ballot as is our candidate for CD7. Please become informed on these races.
Finally, I want to say kudos to the website committee, a.k.a. communications committee, for their many hours of time, especially to Heidi Ratajesak for her time and tremendous guidance.
Dan Haglin Chairman
Douglas County Republicans